Sunday, August 25, 2019

Final Review/Thoughts

As this was my final class of my Masters degree program, I went into it with an open mind and a belief that this class would finish all the learning that I would need to have in order to continue with my career. However, after taking this class, I realized that learning cannot stop here simply because the program is done. Throughout this program, I have been asked to question many topics and challenge more ideas than I was prepared to. This class, however, took that to a new level. I found myself questioning assumptions that I have always held, truths I believed I had been told, and it left me with new suspicions that I want to explore on my own. My top "take away" from this course is that I can never pass judgement on any other person's situation, and that I must always fight for my clients' rights to be as they are and change as they see fit. I had never considered how so much of my education around human behavior was very rigid.

Walking away from this course, I feel empowered to assist my clients moving forward. I feel as though I can move forward as a better counselor because I have learned these lessons. I walk away with a renewed sense of urgency to help create a positive change. Our history has no place repeating itself when it comes to mental illness and mental health, and I am grateful to have a platform as a counselor to advocate for my clients to see that it doesn't. In the future, I look forward to learning more on my own so that I can continue to grow and support my clients in the ways they would benefit from.

(Kaitlynn Littlefield)

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